This from the ultra beautiful Metro Pomona site:
"Pomona Baking Co. - Opening Soon
Featuring Artisan European Style baked goods to include Crusty Breads, Whole Grain Breads, Sugar free and gluten free baked goods as well as cookies, muffins, biscuits and whatever else the community feels needs to be provided. We will also be offering coffee beverages.
104 Locust St. / Phone: 909-623-4090"
That's Locust at 2nd Street. The number is not working yet. Let's keep each other posted on this one.
This is great news! Also, I followed the Metro Pomona link...it looks like my dream of a Pomona martini might soon come true:
Glass House Lounge -- The Glass House has been working on the facade of their new Bar and Lounge at West 2nd St. between the Glass House's Stage and Record Store.
Notice how none of the dreams that have come true involved knocking down entire city blocks?
I'll drink a martini to that...
Permits still pending but all signs point to last week of August, maybe the same week of the opening of the Yellow Door Cabaret.
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