"Urban acupuncture is an urban environmentalism theory which combines urban design with traditional Chinese medical theory of acupuncture. This process uses small-scale interventions to transform the larger urban context. Acupuncture relieves stress in the body, urban acupuncture relieves stress in the environment. Urban acupuncture produces small-scale but socially catalytic interventions into the urban fabric."
In other words, urban acupuncture is a cheap fix to making a city more livable. Even something like using Pomona's existing sidewalks to establish walking zones. The "Palomares Walk Zone" could run from Lincoln Park to downtown and continue down to Grand Avenue. The only item required to do it would be periodic "Walk Zone" signs, making it simple, cheap, and doable. Signs could be sponsored and funded by individuals, groups and businesses who would receive small credit on signs they purchased. This is a great opportunity for places like the Trash Transfer Station and Western University to give back to the community. So come on Pomona, I promise it won't hurt.
If your Pomona body needs a more personal form of accupuncture, it sounds like Shawn's on Temple is the Yelp favorite.
I love this idea. Thank you for sharing that article. Has it ever been presented to the city officials of Pomona?
Hey, this is such an informative post on Urban Acupuncture for Pomona. I am also thinking to get the Acupunctures for my neck pain. But I am not able to find any affordable acupuncture-mississauga clinic. I wonder if you have any recommendations!
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