Friday, September 01, 2006

Pomona School Board Recall

I saw a Pomona School Board recall sign the other day on someone's lawn. Today, I saw a slew of signs on Towne. A recall sounds like a pretty good idea from everything I've ever heard about the Pomona School Board. Perhaps now is a good time to cut our losses. If nothing else, it might help us a little in the image department. I have to admit to not knowing all that much about the school board, other than reading periodically about some new incompetent thing they are accused of doing. Plus, ever since landing in Pomona, people have told me that I'd be doing my son a grave injustice to let him go to the local public elementary school. And those warnings haven't decreased any in the past 3 years.

Here's the recall website: Check out the "Horror stories" section. The articles are about two renters (the movie theater on Indian Hill and the Safari Athletic Club on Garey) who were visible and viable Pomona businesses evicted by the school district and who are both suing the district. They allege the City broke long term leases, and thus cost the business owners lots of money, as well as their business. The City evicted them in order to move school offices into the properties, yet they allegedly never moved in. So, not only did Pomona lose it's only working movie theater since the Fox closed, the school district lost the revenue from the rent.

The Pomona School District is so notorious, it even has it's own entry at wikipedia (the internet encyclopedia extrodinaire). Oh and in case you were wondering, the Claremont Unified doesn't even have a wikipedia listing - glowing or otherwise.

I'd love to hear other people's opinions about the Pomona School District. Just some background: Mr. Big and I attended the Mommy and Me pre-pre-school classes up at Ranch Hills Elementary and I thought the program was of a high quality, and was attended by mothers from cities other than Pomona. Supposedly Ranch Hills is one of the top performing elementary schools. Our house is located within the Lincoln Elementary School area, which has a terrible reputation.

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