Monday, April 14, 2014

Have You Hugged Your Pomona Park Today?

The circular park in the middle of Lincoln Park is timeless and beautiful: at dusk, in the morning, in the afternoon and even at night. There is yoga and hooping there on Saturdays, and walking, playing and green grass to roll on every day of the week. Have you hugged your local Pomona park today?

I would love to explore Ganesha Park too. Ganesha Park seems mystical to me, almost too mystical in that I would only want to check it out in a group setting. While drop dead gorgeous, it does not seem well traveled and appears to have lots of nooks and crannies. Does anyone know a good walking trail or know if anyone ever conducts tours there?

And of course there's Garfield Park down on Holt, home of Pomona's only outdoor Goddess of Pomona statue. So don't even be dissing the ladies on Holt Street!

Now stop reading here and get out to your local Pomona park!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was raised in Pomona and still a resident. My dad would take me to ganesha park years ago when it had the tall metal slide. Today my son and I explored the hill. I've never done that. We followed the roads an looped back to the park. I'm curious to know the history of the stone steps throughout the hill.