For several years now, I have proudly responded, "91767" when asked for my zip code by the Trader Joe's checkers. They use the zip code information in planning where to put new stores. Well actually, Trader Joe's has always refused to discuss publicly how they decide where to put a new store. Still I figured that with the amount of times I go to Trader Joe's, I might single-handedly boost Pomona's chances to score a fabled homestore. But for the past several years I have also been preparing myself for the reality that while new stores will be built in every city AROUND Pomona, there may never be one built IN Pomona.
And so fast forward to now, with two new Trader Joe's slated to open in two cities who touch Pomona's borders: Claremont and Chino Hills. According to David Allen's column yesterday, the Shoppes - don't get me started about the extra "pe" - in Chino Hills will open May 23, 2008. The Claremont store will open on April 11. Of 2008. That's next Friday, people!
But while Pomonans have been left out of the tax revenues, we haven't been left out of the festivities. Today, I received a post card in the mail inviting me to the new Claremont Trader Joe's. The post card instructs me to bring it into the new Trader Joe's to receive a "super-cool, ultra-hip reusable Trader Joe's shopping bag... Absolutely free!" Like the one in today's photo. As if this goddess needed to be lured into a Trader Joe's?
I plan to visit the new store at about 10 a.m. on April 11. I'll be the one with baited breath, bells on and leaving the store with one stylish Trader Joe's shopping bag. Oh wait, that describes everyone else who will be there. Ummm, I'll be the one still proudly announcing - without a hint of desperation - "91767" as my zip code to the checker. Oh gosh, that will be most of the customers there as well. Heck, will you settle for a description of the one with a smile on her face but tears in her eyes that local glamour girl Claremont scored one over the Pomona ruffians?
One day our Joe will come, but by then, I may not even want him.
Not to poo-poo on Trader Joe's but if you might like another alternative to Stater Brothers give Fresh & Easy a try. Super clean & nice employees.
They are just up the street from the Upland T.J.'s in the old Millers Outpost store. Highly recomended!
If we're lucky we'll get a Whole Foods....just dreaming! There are none in our neighboring cities.
I'd rather have a whole foods
You can request a whole foods in your area at their website here
I'll agree that lots of the time Trader Joe's is nothing more than well-packaged junk food.
Fresh & Easy? Sounds like something you might find on Holt Avenue. LOL I've been meaning to check it out.
Used to be a regular shopper at Whole Foods. We spend a lot less money these days, and there are only a few items from W.F. that I really miss. But, I'll certainly log on and request that they come to Pomona. Eventually one of these big corporations will discover what they're missing out on.
G of P
In the meantime, we've got the glories of Winco's bulk section :)
yep, 3 cheers for winco. Employee owned (they just look like Walmart). And you can't beat their flaxseed corn chips. Only 3 ingredients in 'em and they taste yummy!
G of P
You can e-mail wholefoods at this e-mail instead of going through the website
And of course we have the Cal Poly Farm Store
The Cal POly farm store should build an outpost on this side of town. Perhaps an outdoor market on the corner of Alvarado and Garey - to the side of the vacant fire station, or somewhere on Second Street. Or on any of the myriad of vacant lots throughout the city.
G of P
I used to work in Redevelopment at Pomona. We really wanted a Trader Joes in Phillips Ranch. I think the city should focus on upgrading the ethnically-oriented shopping centers and make them more of a destination. Many Asian and Middle Eastern moms will drive an hour or so if necessary to go and get groceries with their kids. Why not use our lower land values to our advantage to lure these entrepenuers and pair them with good designers to create an inviting streetscape.
Right. The Pomona Supermarket on Holt has just gotten really depressing looking and shady and so we drive over to 99 Ranch in Rowland Heights, now Chino Hills, all the time. The Mexican supermarkets do well though. The Cardenas chain has cleaned up a lot of these mom and pop Mexican stores to a decent level (although not up to the same level of a mainline Anglo supermarket), but I would like to see a Superior or something similar take over the old Stater's on Phillips and Garey. The land area is probably too small though.
Does anyone know anything about the Supermarket going in at the corner of Indian Hill and Holt, juts opposite the Swapmeet?
- Stew
P.S. I second that the best Supermarket actually in Pomona is Winco.
...not too excited about TJs coming to Claremont...
...but a fun game to play is to see how many TJ brands you can also find at stores such as Target or Stater's. Of course, the products have different packaging but they are one and the same. Usually, price is the only difference.
I suppose TJs has a few products unique to their stores, but I will pass.
I think their excessive amounts of food recalls are due to the fact they buy questionable products and repackage them.
I hope the management at the new Claremont TJs is more tuned into where their products actually come from. I asked the Upland head manager which of their products are grown locally. He looked at me like I had asked the silliest question he could possibly imagine, then asked, "Why would that matter?" I've been meaning to send him my copy of Omnivores Dilemna. While it is possible find a few California products on their shelves, many of their products (including some of the dairy products) are shipped in from the east coast -- to say nothing of much of the "ethnic fare" that's shipped in from Italy, France, etc. So much petrol being used to get us our precious Four Cheese Frozen pizza!
Apparently, all the people that were green before being green was even cool have stopped shopping at Whole Foods and Trader Joes...so I'm kind of glad they aren't in Pomona, it leaves more room for independently owned businesses like that offers similar products, but less chainy...
Although, a Trader Joes or Whole Foods would be better than what we have now, one can only hope for the more superior option of an idependently owned store.
The store on Holt/Indian Hill is another Latino based store. They were putting the "Entrada" signs on the other day as I drove by. I don't mind signs in Spanish (I am Latino), but why no signs in English?!
It's really sad to see that big names don't want to invest in Poor-mona because they just don't seem to think that we have what it takes to meet their 'expectations'. I guess our median family income ($40K+) doesn't fall onto their checklist for scouting of new stores.
what about Sprouts? It is in the old Ralphs location-they have a great butcher shop and produce section, plus alot of TJ type stuff, and the employees are cool
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