As of this weekend, Joey's Comic Bookstore (officially known as Funny Business) will move to a new Garey Avenue location. Joey's old store was located in the 1400 block of N. Garey, in the "Fountain of Love" shopping center. Seems the love was not flowing forth from the landlord of late, even though Joey rented at that location for nine long and happy years. So Joey will be relocating from the old space, which was the size of a shoe box, to a new space, which I'm told is the size of a pill box. Joey's new store is located at 896 N. Garey. His new building is the yellow deco ship structure, located across from The Garden. Funny Business is in the second space from the left, conveniently located next to "Alcoholics Anonimus."
I am curious to see how Joey accomplished the feat of fitting all of his books and toys, his wealth of family visitors and all his comic book groupies into a tinier space. I'm thinking he tapped into his super hero powers to do it.
Of course, in a perfect Pomona, Funny Business would be located in a respectable space downtown. But as we all know, Pomona is no Gotham City. Batman doesn't ever seem to come here to make things right. Then again, who needs Batman when you've got the Silver Surfer, the Fantastic Four, Green Lantern and a barrage of other comic book characters all available at Joey's Garey Avenue store. Don't forget they're only open Fridays and Saturdays.
Be sure to check out my previous post on Funny Buiness, by clicking the link below.
THE END And here is the rest of it.
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