All the details for the tour are two posts down. A few clarifications from Dr. Kyle Brown:
1. The Tour will happen rain or shine. (The forecast is possible rain for Saturday morning.)
2. The Tour will mostly be outside, so dress accordingly.
3. The Tour is child friendly.
G of P,
I received your flyer yesterday on my porch, it looked good. So how long did it take you to pass them out in LP?
I have been trying to spread word for you. I hope you have a good turn out, I will definitely try to make way there.
Oh, Mr. Big and I didn't pass them out to everyone by a long shot, just to folks I thought might be more inclined to go - 10 or so. A couple that I don't even know personally.
In the past, when we've passed out flyers for "take back the park thursday" the results have been abysmal, so I"m not sure whether passing them out will result in live bodies.
G of P
ok, take 2 since my spelling was abyssmal the first time...
I was unable to make the tour today, however I am interested in a future tour. Do you know if/when there will be another?
G of P,
Thank you for organizing the tour of the Lyle Center. I've been meaning to get up there for years, but just hadn't made the effort. I learned a lot and met some fabulous people (I counted 13 adults and 7 kids -- does that sound right?).
Yes, stay tuned as there is another tour up there being sponsored by another local group. I'll be advertising it on the blog. I love your site and links btw. Are you in POmona?
We should all feel good about getting out from behind our computers and going up there as a group. I enjoyed it as well, especially the Tijuana prototype house with the $1 Ikea porthole windows. I suppose I should make a post summarizing the tour. I'm just feeling very lazy yet.
There were four more adults and two kids who came two hours late and stayed up there for 3 hours! One of them is my neighbor 3 doors down, who minored in regenerative studies, so I think he was purposely late so he could give the tour himself :) So, in the end, we had two tours up there yesterday. There's plenty others who I know are interested and dependable for the projects, so we just need to get to work.
G of P
I was there but stuck in a study session! i saw you guys. Hope the tour was great. I work there most Saturdays, feel free to drop by and say hi!
I'm in RC, if your in the PVHMN I've probably seen you at the meetings, altho I sadly missed the food not lawns seminar.
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