Saturday, January 12, 2008

The Goddess of Pomona of Grand Rapids, Michigan

Thanks to someone special at the Pomona Library for taking it upon themselves to send me today's old Daily Bulletin photo of Gerald Ford and the Goddess of Pomona. Seems that yet another Goddess of Pomona statue has surfaced, or in this case a statuette. This Goddess statuette was captured on camera being given to former President Gerald Ford in the year 1974 at the old Griswold's Restaurant in Claremont. He was actually Vice President at the time, but would become the president the month after receiving the statuette. Coincidence? I think not.

I am not sure what Ford did to deserve the statuette. And the thought did go through my mind that he may have later tripped, fell and broke it.

Being concerned about the statuette's welfare, I sent email to the Gerald Ford Museum in Grand Rapids, Michigan and got this response:

"Thank you for your inquiry. We preserve the Pomona statuette (1988.604.1) here at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum. It is in excellent shape (see attached images) and it currently resides in our collections storage. We especially treasure our Gerald Ford Vice Presidential items, since they represent such a brief period during his long political career. According to our records, the statuette has not yet been on display. I hope this information proves helpful in your research. Please let me know if you should have any further questions.

James W. Draper
Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum
303 Pearl Street, NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49504-5353
(616) 254-0379

I'm glad to hear that she's all in one piece. And at least for today she gets to come out of her storage closet and see the light of day on the blog.


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